
我得到了一笔补助金! 现在?

祝贺你!  管理拨款有很多方面,所以第一步是安排 启动会议 with our Grants Accountant, Rodrigo Flores.  Among other things, this meeting will cover:

  • Working with your grant in Workday
  • Managing and controlling grant funds
  • Technical reporting requirements
  • 合规

When Can I Start Sending on My Award?

一些赞助商允许在您的协议开始日期前90天进行奖励前支出.  All pre-award costs are incurred at the institution’s risk (i.e., 如果由于任何原因接受者没有获得奖励,或者奖励低于预期,不足以支付这些费用,联邦奖励机构没有义务偿还这些费用)。. 因此, 拨款会计师必须在联系拨款机构批准前批准拨款前的费用.


在大多数情况下,是的. 一些联邦机构可能要求对某些预算类别或情况进行预算修订之前获得批准,包括:

  • Changes to any budget category in excess of 10%
  • 增加原预算中未包括的下列任何项目
    • Capital equipment (acquisition cost of ≥$5,000)
    • Subawards to other entities
    • 将预算资金从参与人支助费用重新分配到任何其他费用类别
  • 除非在申请中有描述,并在批准的奖学金中得到资助, 的subaward, 转移, or contracting out of any work under an award, may require prior approval. 这不适用于购买供应品、材料、设备或一般支持

For any budget revisions, please submit the 预算拨款申请 to Rodrigo Flores in the Business Affairs Office at roflores@bomabearing.com.


No, you 可能不 转移 funds from one grant to another. You may process a cost 转移 request, moving the expense from one grant to another to correct an error. 请注意,成本转移是审计过程中高度考验的交易之一.

我的助学金快到期了,但是这个项目还没有完成. 我可以要求延期吗?

Most granting agencies allow one grantee-approved, one-year no-cost extension (NCE), 以及nsf批准的第二次一年延期,以确保在现有资金范围内充分完成最初的工作.

How do I submit a No-Cost Extension?

  • 登录研究.政府
  • 前往颁奖典礼 & Reporting > Notifications & Requests > Prepare New
  • Select No-Cost Extensions and Enter Award Number
  • 输入修改后的结束日期(从当前结束日期起最多1年)和NCE的理由
  • 保存并提交给NSF

When Should I Request A No-Cost Extension? 

  • 获得资助人批准的NCE必须在资助期结束前至少10天,不超过12个月提出申请.
  • nsf批准的NCE必须在资助期结束前至少45天提交

What Are Valid Reasons for 提交ting A No-Cost Extension?

  • 需要额外的时间来确保完成原来的项目范围
  • 延迟雇用适当的人员,或延迟生产或运送关键设备/用品
  • Time lost due to illness, or injury of key personnel
  • NB:延期 可能不 be exercised merely for the purpose of utilizing unspent funds.

Is it Possible to Revise My Budget?

P.I.可能会发现有必要修改他们的拨款或合同预算. Some situations require prior agency approval. 请参阅 Budget Revision policy (PDF) 和研究.政府 指令 for details on budget revisions.


是的. E任何等于或大于5 000美元的设备都需要进行设备资产清查. It is the department’s responsibility to maintain this inventory. 看到 设备库存政策.  Equipment inventory records should include: the date of purchase, amount of purchase (including sales tax, delivery charges and/or installation costs), physical location of equipment (building and room number), the model/serial number of the equipment, 帐号(s), charged for the purchase (if purchased with a grant, the name of the grant and Principal Investigator is required), 设备状况, percentage of Federal participation of cost, 和唯一的太阳2注册平台ID标签号码(这也应附在设备上). 所有设备采购记录必须保存到设备处置完毕. 处置学院设备(无论是资本化的还是非资本化的)时,请与商务办公室联系,以便进行适当的会计处理. 如果处置包括出售设备,则可能征收销售税.

我正在预订国际航班,这将被记入我的联邦补助金, Are there any Restrictions?

是的,联邦资助接受者必须遵守美国飞行法的规定. 《太阳2平台》(Fly American Act)规定,国外航空旅行必须在美国境内进行.S. 旗帜航空公司,除非特殊情况符合例外. If, these regulations are not met, 国外旅行将不会由联邦资助的补助金/合同报销. 了解更多太阳2注册平台美国飞行法和合格例外的信息, 请访问学院院长网站上的助学金管理页面.

How Can I Monitor the Expenses Being Charged to My Grant?

登录到工作日财务和在搜索栏输入- HMC外部拨款预算到实际. 您将被要求输入您的资助编号,应该以GR51XXXX开头,以及您引用的奖励期.  (为了获得剩余的资金总额,请进入奖励期的最后一年.)

Questions regarding budget vs. 实际问题可以直接问商务办公室的罗德里戈·弗洛雷斯,地址是 909.607.0352 或电邮至 roflores@bomabearing.com.

我听说,为了用联邦基金的拨款向供应商支付商品或服务, 卖方必须经过核实,以确保其未被禁止或暂停接受联邦资金, 这是真的吗??

是的, when purchasing goods or services using Federal funds, 首席研究员必须确保被选中为拨款提供商品或服务的供应商不会被暂停或被禁止接受联邦来源的资金. In Workday, vendors are referred to as suppliers. 当在Workday中处理收取联邦拨款的供应商发票时,发起人需要搜索供应商是否被排除在联邦资金之外. If the supplier does not appear on the search, the supplier is eligible to receive Federal funds, if the supplier does appear on the search, the supplier is ineligible to receive Federal funds. 在提交发票并向赠款收取费用之前, 发起人必须证明供应商不在排除实体(暂停和禁止)名单上. Additionally, suppliers can be verified by going to the 山姆除外 网站.

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